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Mike's Headshot

Kimberly Carrillo

I believe every professional should have a great headshot of themselves.

When potential clients come to your website, they will study your face and see if they like you or can they trust you with their business. A professional image of you provides them a chance to make the connection. We live in the Internet Age of visual stimulation and photos are King.

A professional looking photograph projects the image of a professionally behaving individual. Especially for actors; a great headshot tells casting directors that you take your career seriously and will show up as a professional. A professional headshot conveys a look of professionalism and credibility for you and your company. Your image is your first impression, be sure to make it a strong one. You’ll use it all over the Internet. A polished headshot is necessary for social media. A consistent professional headshot should be used on all your social media channels…LinkedIn, Twitter, Website, etc.

Professional headshots aren’t just for top executives anymore. Everybody needs one. If you don’t have one already, I encourage you to seek out a skilled headshot photographer and check it off your “to do” list. With a great headshot, your professionalism and unique personality will shine through, opening the doors to new opportunity and new business.

Mike is a master of quite a few trades and businesses. He runs a graphic design business, is the owner of Poodini and teaches little kids soccer.

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